Avi Heyer’s rollicking adventure begins when he returns to Elsbeth, North Carolina, to settle his mother’s affairs. A student chef with the wrong girlfriend and a mud-loving dog, Avi soon finds himself dragged into a criminal conspiracy. His world is churned up, down and sideways by the diabolical Camel and her hired henchwomen; an unknown phone caller who somehow tracks his every move; an enticing hippie who may be trying to steal something from Avi; a plainspoken building contractor with a suspicious hearing aid; and a news reporter desperate for love. And then there’s Avi’s whale, with its graceful bulk and keening song, a whale that becomes more than an obsession.
“A generous, gorgeous novel, with the screwball soul of Preston Sturges,Whale Man is a tempest in a driveway—a wonderful, wonderful book.” –Ashley Warlick
“The whale is a hefty symbol in American literature and Alan Michael Parker’s amazing new novel manages to give the behemoth fresh meaning. The writing is exquisite, the emotions fathoms deep, the plot riotously funny. ” –Jill Ciment
Here’s a review of Whale Man by Clifford Garstang in The Nervous Breakdown.
Whale Man was a finalist for the Foreword Review’s “Book of the Year Award” in the category of Literary Fiction.